In the midst of winter, illness runs rampant among our little ones. Whether you are a new parent or just parenting your newest, below are a few lessons to be learned (or reminded of) when it comes to caring for your sick baby.
Ensure that your thermometer works. It is a good practice to check your thermometer periodically to make sure the battery is not dead. Also, keep batteries on hand for it. Many thermometers require batteries that are not the traditional AAA type. The last thing you want to do when your little one is sad, tired and feverish is to run to the store to hunt for a new battery.
Have your pediatrician’s contact information handy. Be sure anyone who cares for your baby (you, your spouse, baby’s caretaker) has your child’s pediatrician’s phone number programmed in their phones. If your doctor’s office has a nurse’s line, add that as well.
Keep fever medication on hand. If you don’t have fever-reducing medication on hand that is suitable for your baby’s age, get some! It is better to have an emergency bottle than to run to the store hurriedly when your little one is ill. And know the dosage! Even infant Tylenol does not list the dosage for all weights. It is best to contact your pediatrician to determine your infant’s dosage.
Be ready to hold the baby. And hold her some more. Sick babies need extra comfort, most frequently in the arms of a parent. With stuffy noses that prevent them from sleeping long, being held upright has a way of helping to alleviate that symptom. If you have other children or things to do, consider wearing her in a baby carrier.
When your baby is sick, it can be hard on more than just your baby. It is hard on you too. Just remember that it is only for a phase and enjoy those extra snuggles while she offers them to you. Soon enough she will be running around by herself.